Flash Class
Three-Week Session
May 7-24
English 2407: The Short Story, Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.--noon
Our Stories, Our Selves;
Or: Passion! Adventure! Heartache! Mystery!
In The White Album, Joan Didion argues that narrative helps us make sense of the world
we live in: “We tell ourselves stories in order to live.” Following her insight, we will read
a spectrum of classic to contemporary short stories, sampling the fictional worlds
created by a diverse group of writers. Sections of the class will follow key elements of
the genre: Plot, character, setting, point of view, and theme. Stories will come from the
9th compact edition of The Story and Its Writer. Assignments will include brief response
papers, reading quizzes, final exam.
For more information, contact: Joanne Cordon at joanne.cordon@uconn.edu