Looking to make an impact in the world?
Attend the Careers for the Common Good Career Fair
Explore employment, internship, and service opportunities with more than 70 non-profits, social enterprises, benefit corporations, and public-sector institutions.
February 21, 2018
11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Student Union Ballroom (3rd floor)
All students are welcome! You can learn more about the employers attending the fair here or download the HuskyCareerLink App for Android or iOS.
In preparation for the Career Fair, attend the Navigating the Careers for the Common Good Career Fair event on February 19, 2018 from 4:30pm-5:30pm in Oak 401. Hear advice from Hartford’s Goodwill Career Center Coordinator on how to prepare for the fair and leave a positive impression on employers. Don’t miss this opportunity to put your best foot forward.
Careers for the Common Good is a collaboration of the Center for Career Development, Community Outreach, & the Human Rights Institute.
For more information, contact: Careers for the Common Good at careersforthecommongood@uconn.edu