Internship, Career and Grad School Prep

  • Intern at Goldman Sachs Visit - 4/8

    Goldman Sachs will be on our campus on 4/8 at 11am to conduct a career presenttion. It will be lead by two UConn alumni and Economics grads!

    The presentation is geared towards sophomores and juniors, as they will be discussing intership opportunities with their firm.


    Employer: Goldman Sachs


    Positions: Entire company all departments discussed


    Event: In-person presentation with virtual option


    Date: Friday, 4/8/22 @ 11 am


    Location: Storrs, BUSN, Level 1, Room 106


    Length: 1 hour meeting, 30 minutes for presentation, 30 minutes q&a, 1 on 1 networking at end of the session


    Registration: Required via Handshake (Check-in) at door





    Please see link below to RSVP to the event. An in-person breakfast will be served and questions are welcome.

    For more information, contact: Mik Matwiejczuk at 860-486-1583

Other stories from the Soapbox for Tuesday, April 5, 2022 >>

If you have any questions, please contact Economics Advising Office at 860-486-3022.