Course Offerings

  • EVST 2998 Special Topics: Global Environ. Justice

    EVST 2998 Special Topics: Global Environmental Justice

    Thursdays 5-7:30PM (Distance Learning)

    COURSE DESCRIPTION In the ongoing global pandemic, Environmental Justice (EJ) and sustainability are more relevant than ever. This course uses interdisciplinary, integrative, and intersectional approaches to EJ, drawing upon theories of sustainability— highlighting the pivotal role of equity—to examine contemporary issues around the globe. Particular consideration is paid to geographic, inter- and intragenerational inequities between those who generate environmental costs and those communities who bear the burden of those costs.

    WHY TAKE THIS COURSE? To understand the definitions, theories and history of EJ. To review specific cases of environmental injustice in the U.S. that intersect with race, class, and gender. To apply interdisciplinary perspectives to the analysis of EJ frameworks. To analyze EJ problems using multiple theories and frameworks, such as the policy model; public goods theory; political economy; perspectives on sustainability. Instructor: Dr. Neil Oculi

    For more information, contact: Dr. Neil Oculi at

If you have any questions, please contact Economics Advising Office at 860-486-3022.