Economics of Global Health (ECON 3495-001) is a new course taught by professor Jorge Aguero Tuesday/Thursday 11-12:15pm
This is an economics course that examines health issues in developing countries from the standpoint of applied microeconomic research. The principal goal is for students to become proficient in evaluating empirical analyses and in applying economic reasoning to health-related issues. Specific topics include identifying the effect of health on growth and development and the reciprocal relationships between income, poverty, and health. We will also examine the evidence about interventions affecting health including the success (and failure) of interventions that target infant mortality; diarrhea, TBC; AIDS; and malaria. Students in the course will be graded based on class participation, a final exam and on three small research projects using macro and micro data.
Pre-requisite: ECON 2201 intermediate microeconomics
Tentative list of topics
1. Big picture: the relationship between income and health worldwide
2. Mortality and health effects of economic crisis
3. Long-run returns to infant and maternal health
4. The demand for health in developing countries: maternal education, effect of information on health behaviors and the role of uncertainty.
5. Determinants and consequences of fertility change
6. Economics of infectious diseases: HIV, malaria, TBC, influenza and COVID
7. Challenges to health delivery in developing countries: public health provision, provider absenteeism, community monitoring and competing risks
8. Global health policy: privacy sector incentives and foreign aid
**The catalog lists both Intermediate courses as prereqs (ECON 2201 or 2211Q and 2202 or 2212Q) but you only need to have taken 2201- please contact your advisor for a permission number if you are interested!
For more information, contact: Rebecca Walker at