Course Offerings

  • ECON 2498: Variable Topics Spring 2021

    ECON 2498- Variable Topics: Economic Behavior and Health Policy

    Class Mode: Distance Learning

    Professor: Patricia Ritter 

    Class Number: 13189

    Time: 6:20 - 8:50 PM Monday

    This course will teach important principles of health economics, including: the demand for health, health behaviors, public health economics, health supply and insurance, and behavioral health economics, applied to five topics: smoking, obesity, opioid and other drug addictions, depression and other mental health problems and infectious diseases (Covid-19 and others).

    This is a Stamford Campus Course but available for Storrs students as it will not affect enrollment.

    For more information, contact: Professor Ritter at

If you have any questions, please contact Economics Advising Office at 860-486-3022.