
  • International Students Support Group

    International Students Support Group

    ISSS is holding a support group for international students every other Wednesday (started on November 11). The following communication has been sent to students: 

    Do you feel stressed about the COVID-19 situation and the immigration policy changes? Do you feel lonely when you maintain social distancing? Join our international students support group! The COVID-19 pandemic and immigration policy changes have affected many people, especially international students. Student Health and Wellness-Mental Health and International Student and Scholar Services are here to support! We are offering a support group for all UConn international students who are currently residing in U.S., where you can express your concerns, connect with others, and support your peers! 

    This group will be conducted through WebEx biweekly on Wednesdays at 2 pm for one hour. Please sign up through the SHaW-MH website here: https://studenthealth.uconn.edu/international-support-group/   Please spread the word and join us!


    If you have any questions, please contact:

    SHaW-MH at 860-486-4705 or email Dr. Song at chao.song@uconn.edu

    ISSS at 860-486-3855 or email Arthur Galinat at arthur.galinat@uconn.edu

    For more information, contact: Arthur Galinat at arthur.galinat@uconn.edu

If you have any questions, please contact Economics Advising Office at 860-486-3022.