Course Offerings

  • SPRING: ECON 3416 Problems in Money and Banking

    Did you take ECON 2411 Money and Banking and enjoy it? 

    Did you take (or are taking) ECON 2202 or 2212Q Intermediate MacroEcon?

    Spring 2021 Course Offering:

    ECON 3416 Problems in Money and Banking

    Pre-reqs: ECON 2411, and 2202 or 2212Q

    Spring 2021


    Paul Tomolonis

    Class Registration #: 14359

    Ephasis on public policy: commercial bank regulations; the relation of liquidity to economic fluctuations; government lending agencies; and central bank policies and credit control. 

    For more information, contact: Economics Department at

If you have any questions, please contact Economics Advising Office at 860-486-3022.