Hello Honors Advisors! Anja Kearney is the communications coordinator for PATH (Peer Allies Through Honors), and was wondering if we would be able to advertise their application to Honors students. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
----Program/Application Description
Are you an Honors student looking for a leadership position to help Honors freshmen navigate college or an Honors freshman looking for support through your first year of college? Apply to be a part of PATH! We provide unique leadership opportunities to help Honors students transition to college and develop academically, socially, and personally! Open to all majors and applications are due December 15th, 11:59pm.
Mentee application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScaSIZ9ytf6oqbcoa8-vtm6DZlQTy0YpLSLSjQxJz0DPvx2Sw/viewform
Mentor application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdP-qXsotMQedcjYuFQz_fMtWgJaQjJj8qTs6BGqDAPYz9qnA/viewform?pli=1
For more information, contact: Anja Kearney at anja.kearney@uconn.edu