
  • Spring Programming Courses

    Programming for Cognitive Scientists

    Instructor: Stefan Kaufmann

    Spring 2021, Tu/Th 9:30-10:45am

    Distance Learning 

    Course number: COGS 3798, Variable Topics in Cognitive Science

    This course is an introduction to computer programming for students with little or no prior experience. Students will learn to view problems in terms of data structures and their manipulation, master essential skills in implementing algorithms and processing data, and get ready to apply those skills in their future coursework and research. We will use the Python programming language because it is both accessible to beginners and widely used in real-world scientific programming. However, the concepts and skills are general and will be helpful in mastering other programming languages as well. The course will be hands-on and structured around a series of “projects” of increasing complexity, illustrating typical tasks and applications in the Cognitive Sciences. These tasks will serve as context and testing ground for the introduction of general programming concepts and Python-specific tools. 


    Introduction to Programming Complex Systems

    Instructor:  Whitney Tabor

    Spring 2021, Tu/Th 12:30-1:45pm

    Distance Learning

     Course number: PSYC 3503/5171, Introduction to Programming Complex Systems

    This course provides an introduction to programming in Python by exploring a series of complex systems phenomena.  It is open to undergraduates with Psychology, Language, Computing, Math, Data Science, or related background and to all graduate students.   A strong interest in learning to program is required but no prior programming experience is necessary.  It is also open to people with extensive programming experience who want to work on more advanced aspects of the topics.  Topics include a selection from dynamical systems, cellular automata, power laws, self-organization, fractals, neural networks, probabilistic grammars, synchronization, among others. 

    For more information, contact: undergradpsych at

If you have any questions, please contact Chelsea Zabel at 860-486-2183.