At a Glance

  • Your Honors Advisor: Do you know who they are?

    Your Honors advisor will be assigned to you based on your Honors major.  If you have multiple majors and/or if you are unsure who your Honors advisor is, please check Student Admin for your advisor(s) and then our list of Honors Advisors by School/College,

    If you need help with any of the following, please let us know.  We are here to help!

    • -All of the advisors in Student Admin are not on our list
    • -You recently changed Honors majors and have not been assigned
    • -You have more than one Honors major and need an assignment
    • -You have been assigned to an Honors advisor in the wrong major


    For more information, contact: Honors Staff at

If you have any questions, please contact Honors Programming and Events at 860-486-1616.