This particular session will focus on writing the NSF GRFP Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals essay. The essay is designed to give reviewers a sense of who you are, your experience and readiness to conduct advanced research and studies, and your research and career goals. We will discuss how to approach this essay and work to explore your motivation, experience, and goals to help you - and your reader - gain a deeper understanding of your fellowship application. For the most up to date information on ONSF upcoming events, please visit
About NSF - GRFP The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program is a prestigious award that supports research-oriented students in a wide range of STEM and social science fields during their first three years of graduate school. The award includes a $34,000 stipend plus a $12,000 Cost of Education Allowance.
To be eligible, applicants must be either rising seniors or 1st year or 2nd year graduate students, plan on a PhD/research-oriented career, and be US Citizens or Permanent Residents. Eligible fields of study are: Chemistry, Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Engineering, Geosciences, Life Sciences, Materials Research, Mathematical Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, Psychology, Social Sciences, STEM Education and Learning Research.
Wednesday, September 21 3-4pm
Join from the meeting link
Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2623 467 3175
Meeting password: dcAGu8vim37
If you are unable to attend this session, it will be repeated in-person on Thursday September 22, 12:30-1:30 Homer Babbidge Library, Class of 1947 Conference Room (near Bookworms)
For more information, contact: Rowena Grainger at