
  • 9/13 NSF GRFP General Information Session

    Do you want $34,000? Would you like a prestigious honor on your CV? Are you a senior undergraduate thinking about graduate school or a 1st/2nd year graduate student in STEM or the social sciences? Are you a U.S. citizen, national resident, or permanent resident? If you answered yes to all these questions, then you should consider applying for the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP| The GRFP is one of the most preeminent honors that a young scholar can receive. In addition to the distinction, the GRFP provides research security and freedom by providing graduate students with $138,000 over three years. Simply put, as long as you meet the application’s criteria, there is no reason to pass up this opportunity. Learn more about who is eligible and what materials you need to apply by attending the NSF GRFP Fall application preparation series kickoff session: What is the GRFP? An Info Session. Besides covering the basics, we will walk you through all the steps of applying and answer any questions that you might have.

    Meeting information:

    Join from the meeting link:

    Join by meeting number:

    Meeting number (access code): 2623 994 5413

    Meeting password: n6uN6q6aQJE

    For more information, contact: Rowena Grainger at

If you have any questions, please contact Honors Programming and Events at 860-486-1616.