
  • New Course & Paid Positions: Leaders, Conservation

    Spring Course: Leadership in Community-Based Conservation (NRE 4695 section 003; 1 credit) 

    This course is open to students from diverse majors that have an interest in leadership in community-based conservation, which requires authentic community engagement, culturally relevant environmental education and mentorship, equitable and inclusive practices, and basic knowledge of local environmental issues. An introduction to the following topics will be covered in this course: 

    • • Instinctual leadership & leading for change; 
    • • Principles of authentic community engagement; 
    • • Co-designing community conservation with (not for) community stakeholders; 
    • • Culturally relevant environmental education; 
    • • Trauma informed mentorship approaches; 
    • • Environmental education approaches that promote collective environmental action; and 
    • • Community conservation issues relevant to Connecticut communities. 

    Learn more about the course in the attached syllabus. 


    Paid-Leadership Position: NRCA Difference Maker Mentor 

    Undergraduate students enrolled in the above course will have the opportunity to apply for 10-month paid environmental education leadership positions through the Natural Resources Conservation Academy (NRCA), as NRCA Difference Maker Mentors. Four undergraduate NRCA Difference Maker Mentors, under the support and guidance of NRCA faculty and a graduate student, will have the unique opportunity to co-facilitate the summer 2022 NRCA field experience and mentor a subset of NRCA teen participants during their community conservation project in the following fall and winter. This opportunity will provide students with experience with leadership, authentic community engagement, environmental education, mentorship, and implementation of on-the-ground conservation projects. This position will provide professional development in soft skills (e.g., building relationships, teamwork, communication) that are critical for workforce success. 


    Positions are open to any UConn undergraduate student that has an interest in the environment or education. 


    For more information, contact: Laura Cisneros at

If you have any questions, please contact Honors Programming and Events at 860-486-1616.