Special Category

  • Promotion, Tenure & Reappointment Dossiers

    The following message is forwarded by Dean Kazerounian to SoE Faculty on behalf of the Office of the Provost:

    Dear Colleagues,

    As faculty prepare their “Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment” dossiers, please be reminded that all relevant PTR forms, instructions, and suggested deadlines for completion of PTR procedures are available on the Provost’s website .  Minimal changes to the form this year include:

    1)      Table of Contents page, Item D – we ask that you include previous correspondence from the Provost, Dean or Department Head regarding PTR.

    2)      Section Two: Teaching, Scholarship and Service, Item C – we have added a service narrative as recommended by the Faculty Standards Committee.                                                                                                 

    Only 3rd year reappointments (or at the mid-point of the probationary period for individuals who may have prior credit towards tenure) and the awarding of promotion and tenure are evaluated in this office.  1st, 2nd, and 4th year reappointments are not evaluated by the Provost’s Office (please do not forward those dossiers to this office).  However, all other recommendations for 3rd year reappointments, promotion, and tenure should be forwarded to the Provost’s Office using the PTR Summary Sheet, which provides information on the action taken by departmental and school/college committees, the department head, and the dean.  Keep in mind that in all cases where votes are taken, the number of votes must be included on the PTR Summary Sheet. 

    The procedure for the review of In-Residence faculty remains unchanged. As in the past, we do not expect these dossiers to be sent to the Provost’s Office.  Formal review of In-Residence and other NTT faculty is conducted by the school/college, with reappointment determined by satisfactory performance and the availability of funding. Appointment letters should be issued annually upon confirmation of support for the next fiscal year. Please note, however, that promotions of In-Residence faculty require a review and recommendation at all levels including the Provost. 

    We would like to emphasize two issues regarding the tenure process.  First, it is important that faculty members be provided a reasonable period of time in which to respond to the evaluation that they receive.  Second, Article 8.4 of the AAUP contract states:  “due process requires the University to protect members from discrimination, prejudice and distortion in their records pertaining to evaluation for promotion, tenure and any other University personnel matter.”  We share responsibility for the integrity of the process and must make every effort to ensure that the standards of the University are adhered to and upheld. 

    All faculty, department heads, and departmental committees should familiarize themselves with the instructions to ensure that all University procedures are correctly followed.  Faculty should direct any questions regarding the PTR process to their respective department head and/or dean. It is the responsibility of the deans’ offices to inform faculty of internal school/college submission deadlines.  However, the deadline for submitting PTR dossiers to the Provost’s Office is December 5, 2014.  The original dossier and one copy (promotion, tenure & 3rd year reappointments only) should be sent to the Provost’s Office on or before December 5, 2014.

    Please forward this communication to all faculty and staff in your school/college so that they are informed of the procedures and deadlines for this year’s PTR cycle.  Thank you for your assistance.


    Mun Choi            Sally Reis                              Amy Donahue

    Provost                Vice Provost                       Vice Provost

    For more information, contact: Donna Thibault at thibault@engr.uconn.edu

Other stories from the Soapbox for Monday, July 14, 2014 >>

If you have any questions, please contact Noreen Wall at 860-486-5394.