Grant Opportunities

  • Sloan Research Fellowships

    Sloan Research Fellowships

    $50,000 fellowships for exceptional junior faculty in the sciences, mathematics, and economics

    Deadline: September 15th, 2014

    What are they?

    $50,000 fellowships awarded annually to exceptional junior faculty in eight scientific and technical fields.

    Who is eligible?

    Candidates must hold a tenure-track (or equivalent) position at a college, university, or other degree-granting institution in the U.S. or Canada and have been awarded their Ph.D. (or equivalent) on or after September 1, 2008.*

    What can you do?

    Candidates must be nominated by a department head or other senior researcher. Please inform your faculty about this opportunity and consider nominating one of your outstanding junior colleagues for a fellowship. In keeping with the Foundation’s long-standing tradition of supporting underrepresented groups in the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics, we strongly encourage the nomination of women and minorities.

    Learn more

    For more information, contact: Noreen Wall at

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If you have any questions, please contact Noreen Wall at 860-486-5394.